Thursday, May 1, 2014

World of the Kurds

     The Kurds have a very interesting and fun way of living. Lets start off by talking about what they wear. The women to not wear anything around their heads. Everything that they wear is very loose-fitting and colorful. They are also fully clothed with a headdress. They do not wear silver jewelry, but they will occasionally wear gold jewelry. The men also wear very baggy clothing. As for the men covering their heads, they only do it when they are in certain places.
    When it comes to the work place, most men are farmers. They have lots of land to take care of along with the animals in the mountainous and hilly areas of Turkey. The women are considered what we call "stay at home moms". In their homes, or outside they will weave baskets and rugs, they also may sell these rugs and baskets for money. The children do as their parents do. So if the children are old enough to help the parents, they do. The boys will go out onto the field with the father, while the girls are taught the ways of their mothers.
    When it comes to what the Kurds do for fun, their main activity is story telling. The children love the story telling. They have no problem all getting together and taking turns telling a story or two. Another thing that they love to do is sing and dance. They have many of their own dances and songs that you can read into under my blog section for songs and dancing. Last, but not least, they love soccer! It is their most popular sport, and they go crazy as fans!

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